Clinics We Offer

See our list of all services we provide at the practcie. Scroll down the page to see more information about each of these. 

Adult immunisations

(including flu and COVID)


Asthma clinics


Blood pressure monitoring and ambulatory

home BP Monitoring


Bowel, Breast and Cervical screening


Carers health checks


Child health and immunisations


Chlamydia Screening


Contraception, family Planning &

sexual health


COPD clinic


Counselling Service






Diabetic clinic


Ear Irrigation/ear wax removal




Health and wellbeing


Learning Disability Health Checks


Long term condition reviews


Maternity/ antenatal services


Mental Health (GP Plus)


Minor illness clinics


NHS Health Checks


Non-NHS services (medicals, letters,

certificates, forms and reports)


Pharmacy services


Phlebotomy clinics (blood testing)




Ring Pessary service


Sick certificates


Social prescribing


Spirometry clinic


Stop smoking advice


Travel Vaccinations


Weight loss


Wound management service


Adult Immunisations

Immunisations we offer 

  • Flu
  • Covid
  • Pneumococcal
  • Shingles  
  • Travel (see our Travel section)

Select flu and Covid above for more details on these vaccinations inluding who should have these and when.

Flu vaccinations are available from late September for those patients who may be at special risk or over 65years. We run special flu clinics on four designated Saturday mornings during Autumn.


Asthma and COPD Clinics

Special appointments with our asthma specialist nurse can be arranged to help maximise your health and minimise your symptoms.

We also recommend updating us annually about your condition by completing our Asthma review form.


Once COPD is diagnosed you will be invited to attend the surgery clinic at least once a year and for some people it may be every 6 months. Your general health will be assessed and your daily symptoms and treatments discussed. You will be asked to perform another spirometry. You may be referred to attend the pulmonary rehabilitation group sessions to learn more about COPD and how to manage your condition.

Breast Screening (mammograms)


Women age 50-70 will be invited by letter every 3 years when the mobile unit is in Hatfield.

  • Women over 70 are still entitled to have screening and they may request an appointment (01582 497599).
  • Any women over 50 who thinks that she may have missed her last mammogram appointment and has not had one within the last 3 years may phone the Breast Screening Service directly on 01582 497599 who will send them an appointment either to attend their centre at Luton or when the mobile unit is in a nearby town.
  • GPs cannot refer directly for mammograms. If any woman of any age is concerned about a breast symptom (even if she has had a mammogram within the last 3 years) then she should book an urgent appt with a doctor.

How to check your breasts

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Bowel Screening

  • This is offered to all men and women age 60-75.
  • You will be sent a self-administered faecal (poo) immunochemical test (FIT) kit which asks you to collect one small sample of your faeces/poo and return it in the post. Using this it is possible to detect very small amounts of blood which may be an early sign of bowel cancer.
  • If you don’t recall receiving a kit or think you may have lost it then you can request a new kit by calling the NHS bowel cancer screening programme on (freephone) 0800 707 6060 who will also be happy to advise you how to use the kit.
  • Anyone over 75 can also request a kit by calling this number.
  • A lot of people don't send back their kit. Don't be squeamish about poo, it may save your life!
  • If any patient sees any blood in their faeces then please book an urgent appointment to see a doctor.

How to do the bowel cancer screening test

How to spot the signs of bowel cancer



Cervical Screening

  • These are offered to women in the age group 25-64 and these women should receive a letter requesting that they book an appointment at the practice. Frequency of your test depends on your age;
  • 25-49 - every 3 years 
  • 50-64 - every 5 years.
  • Over 65 - if you have not had one since 50 or had an abnormal test
  • Appointments can booked with our nurse team.
  • If you are not sure if your smear is due please ask the receptionists who can check.
  • A smear can now be effectively taken at any time within your menstrual cycle.
  • If you don’t think that you need a smear test for any reason then please discuss it with a nurse or doctor.
  • If a woman has any unexpected vaginal bleeding then please book an urgent appointment with a doctor.

What to expect at a smeat test



Carer starter pack:

  • Tell us if you are a carer.
  • Book an appointment for a carer health check with our nurse.  
  • Speak to one of our social prescribers about support in the community. 
  • Be aware of our carer champion (the care co-ordinator) who is avilable to speak to as you may need. 
  • Know that you are not alone. 

There are many online resources about carers and caring below are some links into the site that we hope you will find useful.

Telling People

Caring responsibilities can make it difficult to maintain friendships or develop new ones. Telling your friends you're a carer is important so they understand and can support you.


Caring can sometimes feel like an isolating role. It is important to know that you are not alone and that there are many carers and carers eventsin hertfodhire that are free to attend. 

Take a break

Caring for someone can be a full-time job, but it's essential that you take time out for yourself too. Read our guide to accessing breaks and respite.

Housing and Carers  

Do you know your tenancy rights as a carer? Are you aware of all your care at home options? Do you need tips on moving someone around the home?

Benefits for Carers 

Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring:

Carers Allowance - As a carer, you may be entitled to one or more state benefits to help you with the costs. 

PIP (Personal Independance Payment) - help with every day living costs. 

Tax Credits - Information on claiming tax credits and whether you might be eligible

carers 2


Cryothappay consists of freezing warts, verruca’s and skin tags. We run clinics once weekly for this service. This is by appointment only, having been referred by your doctor.


Dermatology Clinic

This clinic is run once weekly with a GP. This is by appointment only, having been referred by your doctor.


Diabetic Clinic

Diabetic clinic is run by the diabetic specialist nurse every Tuesday and Thursday by Dr Rajaratnam. To book yourself into the clinic please call the reception team. Please note these appointments are not open to the general public and are only used for diabetic reviews.

Type 2 diabetes: You could be more at risk than you think 

Diabetes Prevention Programme 

Family Planning (contraception and sexual health)


We offer a full range of contraceptive services including the fitting of implants and coils

Oral contraception including emergency contraception can now be ordered online without having to visit your GP:

Order emergecy contraception

Order contraception

If you are on the contracepive pill, you will be offered a review from time to time with the nurse, who may ask you to complete the form below:

Complete Contraception Pill Review


Sexual Health 

Our nurse team can offer tests for chlamydia, and gonorrhea 

For more advice regarding sexual

Find a sexual health clinic

Order a home STD test



For maternity and antenatal care - see our maternity section.


Termination of Pregnancy (Abortion)

Self Referral for termination of pregnancy

Get more support from Marie Stopes

Find a clinic near me



Information on treatment and HRT




Learning Disability

We can offer our patients with Learning Disabilities a range of reasonable adjustments to ensure that they get the support they need from us. Such adjustments can include: 

  • Longer appointment times
  • Use of a quiet room instead of the normal waiting areas
  • Appointments times during the surgeries 'quiet times'
  • Easy read documents 
  • Appointing a preferred person for us to contact 
  • Dedicated care coordinator 

How to ask for support?

If you would like to talk about reasonable adjustments for yourself or somebody you care for, please let our Care Co-ordinators know.

You can do this by phoning our reception team and asking for a call back, or by contacting us online.

Our Care Co-ordinators can also help with any other non-medical issues including, arranging annual review appointment, making referrals to local support and other admin related queries. 

Herts Count Council also offer a wide range of support. More information can be found using the link below. 

Asking for support | Hertfordshire County Council

Help with your health | Learning disabilities | Hertfordshire County Council


Have you had your annual health check?

If you are 14 years or over and have a diagnosed learning disability, you are eligible for an annual health check.

What do I need to do?

  • Before your annual health check:
    • complete a health check questionnaire.
    • Complete a blood test

Our care coordinator can help you with the above. 

Who will I see?

At the check you will be asked to attend two appointments, one with the Nurse and the a 2nd with Dr Rachel Williams. 

You can bring a carer or support worker with you if you wish and you should also bring your purple folder.

What will happen on the day of the check?

Your annual health check includes a review of your blood pressure check, height, weight and an overall review of your physical and mental health. We will also review of any medication you take to check if you still need it and if it is the right amount.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about these checks as we may be able to help make you feel more comfortable. We have included a copy below of what the questionnaire looks like for your annual health check.

annual-health-check-preparation-form-v1-apr-22.docx (

AHC Easy Read Checklist


Purple Star:

The Purple Folder is available to adults with a learning disabilities. It is a place to record your health information and what is important to you. It also helps medical professionals give you the healthcare and treatment that are best for you. We encourage all of our patients with learning disabilities to bring their Purple Folder along to all of their appointments. 

If you would like more information on the Purple Folder and how to get one, you can speak to one of the Care Co-Ordinators, follow the link below or email

The Purple Folder | Hertfordshire County Council


Under 18s:

Preparing for a Healthy Adulthood (


Easy-to-read documents: 



purple star 2

Maternity and Antenatal services

Maternity Services

Ante-natal Clinic

To be referred to the hospital antenatal clinic you can self- refer or see a doctor in a routine appointment (the first midwife led appointments occur around 12 weeks into pregnancy).

There is a midwife who sees our patients every Wednesday afternoon for routine appointments during the pregnancy.

Post-natal Clinic 

After delivery you will require a six week check for mum and baby. The practice provides 30min appointments with the doctor for these checks. To book your appointment please contact the receptionist and ask for a 6 week check.

For new expectant mothers you can organise your pregnancy care early by doing a self referral to the early bird team.

To do this, please download a referral form and send it back to: Once received the early bird team will send you an appointment to see a midwife within 10 working days.


Minor Illness Clinic

We have a nurse led minor illness clinic each week. Mariam Heidari is our nurse prescriber who can see patients for a whole host of conditions and can prescribe medication


Minor Illness Clinic days

Tuesday 13.30pm - 15.30pm

Thursday 10.45am - 12.30pm

Friday 10.45am - 12.30pm 


Conditions seen at minor illness clinic:

  • Asthma exacerbations
  • Chest infections
  • COPD exacerbations
  • Conjunctivitis (bacterial/ viral)
  • Constipation
  • Coughs, flu and cold
  • Cystitis
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Ear infections/pain
  • Eczema, skin rashes
  • Fever
  • Hay fever
  • Indigestion
  • Infected wounds
  • Minor burns
  • Nose bleeds
  • Sore throat
  • Scabies
  • Sinusitis
  • Thrush (Vaginal)
  • Tonsilitis
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)


No children under 3 years 

a large pair of scissors

Minor Surgery

We carry out minor surgery at the practice. This is by appointment only, having been referred by your doctor.


NHS Health Checks

If you are aged between 40-74 years old and do NOT suffer with a chronic disease (i.e. diabetes) or high blood pressure then you are eligible to have a free NHS health check.

Our Health Care Assistants can provide a NHS health check for you in 30 minutes. These checks aim to help identify and lower your risk of developing common but often preventable disease(s) such as heart attack or stroke.

Prior to the appointment you will need a blood test. Please contact the surgery to for further information.

a man preparing food in a kitchen

Pharmacy services

The practice has an in house pharmacist who can see and treat patients for some minor conditions and medication reviews. The receptionist may navigate you to see the pharmacist if appropriate.

a close up of a bottle


We have a phlebotomist at the practice once a week on Wednesday mornings between 8.45am - 10.20am. This service is by appointment only. 

Please contact the surgery to book an appointment with the phlebotomist.


We have a physiotherapist service every Tuesday morning. You can see the physiotherapist for a first assessment instead of seeing a doctor. The physiotherapist can assess many physical injuries and pains. Appointments are 20 minutes long.



Spirometry is a simple test used to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath.

It's carried out using a device called a spirometer, which is a small machine attached by a cable to a mouthpiece.

Nurse Julie Hatton runs weekly spirometry clinics on Wednesday afternoons.


Smoking Cessation Clinics

Our Health Care Assistant will help patients stop smoking.

Please enquire at reception if you are interested.



Counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy may be available via a referral from the doctor, or patients can self-refer to the Single Point of Access Mental Health Services on 0300-777-0707.

a woman using a cell phone

Social prescribing clinic

We now offer appointments with our Social Prescriber once a week. She can see patients for help with:

  • Help and support for people tying to maintain indepedance
  • Follow up welfare checks
  • Support for patients with falls
  • Support for carers
  • Help liaising with social care and housing
  • Benefits support
  • Debt counselling

For more information please contact the receptionist.

Travel Clinic

Do you need vaccinations?

Our Pharmacist and Nurses can provide comprehensive travel health advice and arrange for appropriate immunisations.

Appoitments for travel MUST be made at least 6-8 weeks before departure.

If you request an appointment without sufficnet time you will be re-directed to a private travel company.

Vaccines need time to take effect and some may require a course over several weeks.

Appointments for vaccinations should be made with reception for one of the nurse led travel clinics.  These are arranged by appointment on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Select the region you are travelling to find out more.


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia and Pacific


Central America

Europe and Russia

Middle East

North America

South America and Antactica

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Travel Assessment form

We offer a full travel advice and immunisation service. If you are travelling abroad please complete and submit the travel form 6-8 weeks before your journey.

a sign on a pole next to a palm tree

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card