Repeat Prescriptions

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions


You can order your repeat prescriptions by:

  • Using the NHS App 
  • Using our e-consultation form 
  • Using our GP online system 
  • Using the right-hand half of a previous green prescription slip for the required medications. Tick the items required and drop your repeat form off in the prescription box by reception. If you would like us to post your prescription to you please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

We do not take repeat prescription requests over the telephone.


Please allow at least 72 Hours (3 working days) for your prescription request to be processed.



Nominated Pharmacy

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nominated pharmacy. You can add or change your nominated pharamacy via the NHS App.

Once you nominate a pharmacy:

  • you will no longer need to collect paper prescriptions from your GP surgery
  • your nominated pharmacy will receive your prescriptions until you change or remove your nominated pharmacy
  • any outstanding prescriptions you have ordered may still arrive at your current nominated pharmacy

Learn How to nominate a Pharmacy

Add or change your nominated pharmacy