Routine Appointments
Routine appointments are available Monday to Friday and the last Saturday of the month by appointment.
Appointments can be arranged:
- Online (you will need to sign up for the online service to be able to book appointments online)
- At the reception desk
- By phone - after 10am (anyone calling for a routine appointment before this time will be asked to call back later)
Evening and Weekend appointments can be booked for our Extended Access Service at Spring House Medical Centre. Please contact us at the surgery to obtain an appointment.
If you would like to be seen for a routine problem (such as a medication review, a problem that has been present for months, or chronic illness review) then it is best to book an advanced routine appointment with your preferred doctor. Please inform the reception of your preferred GP when booking your appointment.
Most conditions need 10 minutes to review them properly. Please do not expect the doctor to be able to deal with more than one complex issue in 10 minutes. If you have a complicated issue you may be asked to book another appointment or advised to book a double appointment in future.