
Extended Access

Patients are now able to access extended GP services between 6.30-8.00pm Mondays to Fridays and between 8.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays and from 8.00am to 12.00pm on Sundays. These extra appointments will all be at Spring House Medical Centre (across the road from the UCC - Ascots Lane AL7 4HL). To find out more, or to book an appointment, please speak to one of our reception team or visit the following website:
Ephedra Healthcare Ltd - www.ephedrahealthcare.co.uk

It is likely that you will not see a GP or nurse from this practice at one of these appointments. Do ask our reception team when you call whether you would like one of these Extended Access appointments.

We will still be open 1 out of 4 Saturday mornings as usual.

NHS Friends and Family

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